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Calling it Home

Should you cut them under water? By the way, I keep trying to "subscribe" to your blog, but I get an error message? Want you to hit your 1K


You can cut them under the water, but the most important thing is to have the water ready in the vase. Cut them and place them right into it. I will follow up on the "subscribe" issue. Thanks for letting me know.


So thrilled you linked up with all of us today!
That faux bois vase is killer! What a perfect vessel for gorgeous yellow daffodils.

Thanks for sharing these great tips.


Alison, So glad you found the tips helpful. The faux-bois is pretty cool. Thanks for coming by.


Love daffodils. I need to go see if I can buy some. Love that bark container.


Sarah, I'm so glad you're inspired to get buy some daffodils.I want first come flowers to inspire others to bring flowers into their daily lives.

Beez Rental Designs

Hi Mimi,
Thanks for stopping by and adding your beautiful daffodils to my linky party Frugal Treasures Tuesday! I love daffodils and just saw some miniatures blooming in one of the front beds. I'm having trouble trying to follow you on facebook, keep getting an error message. Will try again later.


Thanks for this great information. I love daffodils. They are such "happy" flowers.


Awesome post! Thank you for the insight on taking care of these sweeties. I'm so glad that you shared your link at Fresh-Cut Friday. I hope that you will consider adding my link to your post so that all of your readers can find more lovely posts on flowers.



Daffodils are delightful. I'm currently updating and trying to fix everything.working on a new Facebook page. Thanks for the heads up. enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by.


Liz, thanks for coming by. I just happened upon your blog as I was commenting on others at a link party. I've added you to my link bookmarks for the future. Thanks for your kind words.

Lynn @thevintagenest

great post! I never knew about the bad stuff and not putting them with other flowers. Our sweet daffodils are blooming now...little tiny ones. :)


You are so lucky to have daffodils in bloom now. Here in NYC we can only buy them as cut flowers now, but in a few more weeks spring will have sprung.Thanks for stopping by from The Vintage Nest.


Thanks for the tips! I'm so sad because last week I got a huge bunch of daffodils, they were still closed, and they never opened up, and wilted instead :o( I don't think I did anything wrong, and they had plenty of light too... So sad because I love daffodils!


I'm so sorry to hear about your daffodils. they were probably cut too early by the grower. The same thing happens to roses whose buds look extremely tight, When you buy daffodils, or most flowers really,there should be just beginning to open. Not wide open though. Hope this doesn't discourage you from buying daffodils again.

Beez Rental Designs

Hello, you've been FEATURED for your link at Frugal Treasures Tuesday. Please feel free to grab your button and hope you'll join in again tomorrow.


I just love daffodils! They do remind us that there are good things in this world and things we can count on - like the changing of the seasons! Wonderful post - thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Glad you love daffodils as much as I do. thanks for your commenting. Hope you stop by again.


This is absolute favorite flower! Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites! Please come back and link up again this week!

Ricki Jill Treleaven

I really could have used these tips before I arranged my flowers! Great tips, and I like the rustic look of the first photo. Linking from Fresh Cut Friday.

Ricki Jill


I wish you had these tips too. they work quite well. Thanks so much for your comment. Always great to get feedback. Please visit again soon!


Daffodils make me think of the romance of my maternal grandparents. "Seven Golden Daffodils" was "their" song and they always had daffodils at their house, live, fresh or silk.


Thank you so much for sharing this heart-warming story about your family. It means even more, because you have such fond memories. Hope you come by again soon!


All of these atrclies have saved me a lot of headaches.


Weeeee, what a quick and easy solution.

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