"What I find interesting is that by starting the day in a more positive mood, you are likely to transfer those happier feelings to others... And the kitchen is the place where families tend to gather in the morning - imagine how big a difference a better morning mood can make," Nancy Etcoff, Phd.
A Harvard study called, "Flowers and Morning Moods" confirmed that people who looked at flowers early in the morning felt happier and more energetic.
So how can you make your mornings happier?
- Put fresh flowers in the kitchen where they can be seen by everyone in the family.
- Place a single flower or small bunch in bedrooms and bathrooms or wherever people will see them first thing in the morning.
- Don't get fancy. No professionally arranged flowers are needed.
- Just put a flower or a few flowers in a small glass or vase and call it a day.
- Use a favorite flower or color to make it extra special.
I love seeing flowers in the morning! When I walk into our flower shop I am transformed by the presence of flowers. But luckily you don't need quite as many flowers as we have.
How do you respond to seeing flowers first thing in the morning?
Images: via Apartment Therapy Maison Decor 8